Madeline Bartley

sample work by Maddie Bartley

Madeline Bartley’s mantra is to practice making slow adjustments in reaction to dramatic changes. Her work addresses concepts of vulnerability, exploration, and the need for maintenance. Bartley follows a path with an unclear trajectory with a focus on creating as she finds her way. Her imagery weaves together a concern for strength and vulnerability, often within a garden setting. By producing one-of-a-kind prints using screen printing and stencils, Bartley creates assortments of random compositions with deeply saturated colors. Layers of watercolor, collage, and color pencil give clarity to the image. As layers of color build up, vibrant watercolor pigments create a looming dramatic effect.

Bartley blend realistic imagery on top of a flat abstracted or atmospheric space to depict fragments of experiences and dreams. Often, she adds embellishments like botanical detritus or fiber drawings to the work and incorporates symbolic images such as arches and portals, garden arbors, and other botanicals. Tracing over detailed illustrations allows Bartley time to reflect on events and their lasting emotional effect. Even though structures may begin strong, its foundation inevitably weakens over time. Ultimately, this body of work is about a relationship with maintenance within a landscape that prohibits the possibility of permanence.





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December 25, 2018