Live on Five will feature approximately 500 pieces of 5×5 work by approximately 200 artists. Confirmed artists listed below, check back later for the full list of participating artists.
Christina Buscarino, Millie Chen, Frani Evedon, Kateri Ewing, Robbi Fabretti, Lauren Fezer, Bob Fleming, Dan Galas, Pam Glick, George Grace, William Graebner, Patti Harris, Marie Hassett, Sandra Heath, Joyce Hill, Ani Hoover, Janet Ide, Erin Kearney, Shanel Kerekes, Iris Kirkwood, David Koszka, Mark Lavatelli, Polly Little, Sandy Ludwig, William C. Maggio, Wendy Caldwell Maloney, Victoria May, Megan McElfresh, Greg Meadows, Aprille Nace, Cathy Nacov, Cindi O’Mara, Beth Pedersen, Peg Riexinger, Danielle Saeva, Kath Schifano, Sam Schnell, Katherine Sehr, Kathleen Sherin, Carol Siracuse, Peter Sowiski, Catherine Linder Spencer, Deb Stewart, Nancy Thayer, Sara Zak, Christy Zucarelli
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