Date(s) - 07/11/2016 - 08/02/2016
10:00 am until 5:00 pm

Buffalo Arts Studio


July 11- August 2, 2016
Opening reception Monday, July 11, 2016, 2:00 – 5:00 pm.

Opening July 11, 2016, is the Changzhou China Children’s Art Exhibit, an exhibition of student artwork by Buffalo’s China Sister City, Changzhou. The exhibition is curated by Buffalo China Sister Cities, an organization formed upon the newly forged sister city relationship between Buffalo and Changzhou China. The students, who are in elementary school, are all members of Changzhou Tomato Farmer Art Center where they take formal painting classes. The children were asked to paint what the US or China looks like in their minds. Some took the assignment further, imagining Buffalo or Changzhou in a variety of interesting ways.

BAS will exhibit 22 artworks by these students to promote cross-cultural learning in both cities. Changzhou’s prime-time television station will lead a crew of 25 people to film a “Tale of Two Cities” here in Buffalo, documenting the Sister City relationship between Buffalo and Changzhou with a focus on the arts and culture. Changzhou is committed to the promotion of exchanges with their 22 sister cities in areas of business, arts, and education and recognizes the important role of cultural sites like Buffalo Arts Studio in Buffalo and the surrounding region. Officials from Changzhou, the City of Buffalo, and the Buffalo China Sister Cities will be present at the opening reception for the special recognition ceremony at 3:30 pm.


Chinese students bring their artwork to Buffalo