Jump Start Program

Buffalo Arts Studio’s Jump Start program provides instruction to high school students who show a strong ability and interest in the visual arts, regardless of their ability to pay. The program also guides high-school graduates along their college and career path with our Jump Start Extension program. Students are encouraged to participate from the time they initially enroll through college, and afterwards as a mentor to the younger students. 

Our program provides exceptional art instruction, professional development, portfolio preparation, and exhibiting experience to students. The only cost is for our classes, however if a student’s family identifies as low income, these too are free. The rest of the programming, including individual mentorship, high grade art supplies, and Professional Development Days are provided at no cost to all our students. We ask for a high level of commitment from students, families, staff and our educators. 

A variety of Saturday classes are offered and are taught by qualified artists, professors, and K-12 art teachers, all of whom have demonstrated the willingness and ability to meaningfully connect with young people from diverse backgrounds. Classes are offered from beginning through advanced levels in drawing, painting, ceramics, mixed media and more. We have 4, 8-week sessions per year.

Volunteer opportunities and Professional Development Days take place throughout the year. Professional Development Days may include classes offered only to Jump Start students, visits to various artists and art related professions and tours of museums and galleries. 

Jump Start is a dynamic program that empowers youth to explore their interests in art, prepares them for college entry, and provides supportive networks.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Who is eligible? Students 13-18 years old.
  • What does it cost? The only cost for the program is for classes. If a student’s family is low-income or has a current circumstance where the cost of art classes would be a financial burden, classes are free.
  • Where are classes held? Classes are held at Buffalo Arts Studio. We are located on the 5th floor of Tri-Main Center, 2495 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14214
  • How do I apply to Jump Start? Fill out the following: Jump Start Form. Afterward please contact our Education Director, Jayne Hughes, at education@buffaloartsstudio.org for more information, or to schedule a tour. Enroll anytime.

Buffalo Arts Studio’s Jump Start program features the following components:

  • Advanced Classes – Coursework includes drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture and digital media.
  • Inspiring Field Trips and Professional Development Days – Students visit a variety of museums, galleries, and art spaces, while also interacting with artists and arts professionals to learn about careers in the visual and creative arts.
  • Portfolio Preparation – Instructors and the Education Director help students create, collect and present high-quality work, including an artist statement, in a polished, professional, and meaningful way.
  • Individual Support – Arts and education professionals guide students through their artistic development, college and internships applications, and throughout the college experience.

Major education & Jump Start support is provided by: Bring Art Buffalo, Children’s Foundation of Erie County, the City of Buffalo, Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, Erie County Cultural Funding, Garman Family Foundation, Josephine Goodyear, Marks Family Foundation, Simple Gifts Fund, and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the New York State Legislature.

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