Oil Painting with Cristiano Pereira


Jan 25 – March 15
8 weeks
1:00 – 4:00 PM
EDU Room 506A
Ages 16 & up
Students will work in oil paint while honing basic skills and techniques. Beginners get step-by-step instruction and advanced students have studio time with the guidance of a professional artist. All levels are welcome. A supply list will be provided.

Supply list available here.

1 in stock



Jan 25 – March 15
8 weeks
1:00 – 4:00 PM
EDU Room 506A
Ages 16 & up
Students will work in oil paint while honing basic skills and techniques. Beginners get step-by-step instruction and advanced students have studio time with the guidance of a professional artist. All levels are welcome. A supply list will be provided.

Supply list available here.

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